Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Bingo with Editable PDF

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Who doesn’t love a good old game of Bingo? In this post I’ve included a free editable PDF to download to go along with the classic Bill Marten book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

There are so many ways to customize the “bingo” board! Off the top of my head, I’m thinking it could be made with answers and the caller asks questions, it can be done with math facts, or colors, or dots to match with numbers… it’s so great. It seemed like the perfect game to play with a couple students I’ve been working with. One student was working on recognizing letters and the other student was working on reading words with particular letter blends, such as “st” in the word “star.” 

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Bingo editable PDF

We read the book, and then played the game. I built separate boards to match the needs of the students. After we read the book the first time, the first grader used her picture sort words she had from another lesson to draw cards and place markers on the letter blends that her picture word started with. (So if she drew a picture of a star, she had to find a space that had “st” on it, and put a marker on that space.) 

The preschooler and I read the book very slowly, looking at each letter as it was said in the story. On his board, I purposely made two or three spaces that had letters in his name, so that he got more practice recognizing those letters, as well as other random letters. He colored in the letters when we found them. Not all letters made it onto the board, and that is ok! The fact that the PDF is editable means I make new boards whenever I want and we can play again!

If you’re looking for another learning activity, you should check out my Nibbles Colors reading and math activities!

How could you use this editable Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Bingo Board? I’d love to hear about it!

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